Urban Oasis Dental Studio

Urban Oasis Dental Studio Details

Urban Oasis Dental Studio
100-2577 Bridlecrest Way Sw
Calgary, AB
T2Y 5J4

(403) 873-1170

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1.5/5 The clinic's prices are extremely...
Oct 19, 2010 by DentistrySource
0 Replies
The clinic's prices are extremely high compared to some other local clinics. The staff like to say that 'you aren't used to their level of care', therefore, that is why you find their prices high. They push to have your teeth look like the ones on the pictures that are on the wall.

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AddressUrban Oasis Dental Studio
100-2577 Bridlecrest Way Sw
Calgary, AB
Phone(403) 873-1170
Rating Pending more votes