Hello Mate,Nice site. Some useful and ioifrmatnve articles man I know, I am creeping,lol. I hope can produce something like this myself one day. Which site did you get your templates from? Hopefully one of you kind souls may be able to help me out a little here. I am searching for someone who I was reliably informed told was a member on here. They used to use the name fattaffy'.Because I am hoping to start my own website on health related goods for goods such as: (hence the where did you get your templates from,lol) but am having realllll difficulty getting hold of dropshippers for these goods. I had been in touch with this guy but my PC got stolen and unfortunately had all my contact details on it (I know, I know, should have backed it up )So if you folks have heard or seen anything of this guy could you let me know please? Failing that maybe one of you guys knows someone? Also, which hosting do you use as I keep being told negative things about the host I am thinking of hosting my site with. And any other helpful tips you can give re starting up my website would be most helpful and gratefully appreciated.I hope that someone has useful knowledge about thisThanks Buddy,