Diwebb Enterprises Ltd

Diwebb Enterprises Ltd Details

Diwebb Enterprises Ltd
2597 Old Montreal Rd
Ottawa, ON

(613) 833-2910

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5/5 Hard to cheer for a team that hires...
Mar 29, 2014 by
0 Replies
Hard to cheer for a team that hires Darcy Tucker, Tie Domi and Pat Quinn. Although I want the Isles to lose so that NJ goes in with a win into the playoffs, I woudln't be upset if the Isles win this afternoon to eliminate the Leaves. Maybe there's something about cheering for (or against!?) the Devils on Easter .

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AddressDiwebb Enterprises Ltd
2597 Old Montreal Rd
Ottawa, ON
Phone(613) 833-2910
Rating Pending more votes